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Friday, October 28, 2011

Bahaya Kepak Ayam

Artikel dibwah ni diambik dari e-mail sorang kawan. Sebelum ni pun, saya pernah dengar sendiri dari kawan yg pergi dengar health talk. Actually, sy dah lama cuba tak makan kepak ayam ni. Dulu , kepak ayam adalah my favourite.

Salam hormat..

Anda penggemar Chicken Wing atau Kepak Ayam? Hmm..sedap bukan walau pun hanya digoreng atau dibakar. Pasti menjilat jari. Malah ada yang sanggup mengunyah hingga ke tulangnya. Tapi, tahukah anda ianya berbahaya kepada anda jika dimakan terlalu kerap terutamanya kepada golongan wanita?

Kononnya di dalam sumsum tulang ayam terdapat racun berbahaya terutamanya di bahagian sayap ayam. Ini kerana ayam pada masa kini banyak yang disuntik steroid untuk mempercepatkan pertumbuhannya agar cepat membesar dan boleh dijual.

Biasanya, ayam akan disuntik steroid pada bahagian leher atau kepak. Disebabkan itulah kepekatan steroid yang disuntik adalah tinggi di bahagian berkenaan. Steroid itu jugalah yang memberi kesan untuk mempercepatkan pertumbuhan ayam.

Akan tetapi, kesan steroid akan menjadi berbahaya dengan kehadiran hormon wanita. Ia cenderung mempercepatkan pertumbuhan ‘cyst’ dalam rahim wanita. Disebabkan itulah anda disarankan melihat kembali diet pemakanan anda dan mengurangkan kekerapan memakan kepak ayam.

Chicken wings – Its Dangerous
Avoid eating chicken wings frequently – ladies, especially; a true story…!
A friend of mine recently had a growth in her womb and she underwent an operation to remove the…. The cyst removed was filled with dark colored blood. She thought that she would recover after the surgery but! She was terribly wrong.
A relapse occurred just a few months later. Distressed, she rushed down to her gynecologist for a consultation.
During her consultation, her doctor asked her a question that puzzled her.
He asked if she was a frequent consumer of chicken wings and she replied yes wondering as to how he knew of her eating habits.
You see, the truth is in this modern day and age; chickens are injected with steroids to accelerate their growth so that the needs of this society can be met.
This need is none other than the need for food.
Chickens that are injected with steroids are usually given the shot at the neck or the wings.
Therefore, it is in these places that the highest concentration of steroids exists.
These steroids have terrifying effects on the body as it accelerates growth.
It has an even more dangerous effect in the presence of female hormones, this leads to women being more prone to the growth of a cyst in the womb.
Therefore, I advise the people out there to watch their diets and to lower their frequency of consuming chicken wings!
- from forwarding email

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